

Ph DSeats
Oral Surgery3
Public Health Dentistry3

The Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) for admission to Doctor of Philosophy under the Faculty of Dentistry for year 2022-23 will be conducted by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. (

Eligibility: –

A candidate, who fulfils the following criteria, shall be eligible to appear for the Entrance Test, namely: –

  1. He is a citizen of India;
  2. He has studied and passed in the course(s) leading to the award of PG degree in respective branches recognized by respective councils and Government of India and affiliated to any University established by Law; and
  3. The candidate willing to register for Ph.D. program as Ph.D. Scholar, shall fulfil the eligibility conditions as mentioned in Clause No.12 and 13 of University Direction No. 01/2020 (Refer Annexure ‘VI”).
  4. The candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree or equivalent course or candidates who have appeared for their qualifying Master’s degree (final year) examination and whose result is still awaited may also apply for this test. However, they will be treated as eligible for the allotment of seats to Ph.D. admission only after submission of final year passed out result before the commencement of Ph.D. seat allotment program. If the candidate is failed/unable to submit his final year passed out result, performance in Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) 2019-20 will not be considered for Ph.D. admission for this academic year and they will be treated as disqualified.