Department of Prosthodontics and Implantolgy
The Department of Prosthodontics offers diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, while ensuring comfort, appearance and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth. It specializes in implant, aesthetic and reconstructive dentistry. Restoration of oral function is done through prostheses and restorations (i.e, complete dentures, crowns, implant retained/supported restorations).
The Department focuses not just on patient care, but also gives equal emphasis to innovative teaching methodologies and research.
Goals and Objectives
- To impart quality dental education for the undergraduate and specialty training to post graduate students.
- Encourage development of research attitude in UG and PG students.
- Training the UG students to acquire basic skills in various diagnostic methods and treatment aspects of Prosthodontics.
- Advanced training to PG students to acquire diagnostic skills and treatment skills in advanced Prosthodontic techniques.
- All round research and development activities in the department.
- Availability of basic to advanced treatment facilities for the patients.
- To be known as the best developed department among all the institutions in India.
- Evidence based learning in the clinical practice.
- Be host to local and national seminars in subject and host conferences in the subject under the ambit of the university.
Key features
- Well equipped with separate Undergraduate and postgraduate section.
- Separate departmental library.
- Fully air conditioned well equipped Implant section.
- Preclinical Prosthodontics lab including a phantom head Lab.
- Central Casting & Ceramic Laboratory with the latest equipment and efficient supporting staff.
- Chrome Cobalt lab
Treatment facilities
- Removable Partial Dentures: Temporary and Cast removable partial dentures with/without attachments.
- Complete dentures- Conventional, immediate, tooth/implant supported over dentures.
- Fixed Partial Dentures- Metal and All ceramic crown and bridges.
- Oral Implantology- Single tooth to multiple teeth replacement by osseointegrated implants.
- Occlusal Rehabilitations- Full mouth rehabilitations.
- Smile Design- Esthetic restorations and ceramic veneers.
- Maxillo Facial Prosthodontics- Obturators; speach bulb, orbital, nasal,ocular, ear, finger & lip prosthesis.
- Splints for Tempero mandibular disorders
S No | Name of Faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr. Mahesh A. Gandhewar | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Suresh M. Nagral | Professor |
3 | Dr. Sitram R. Wagle | Professor |
4 | Dr. Sunil R. Ronad | Reader |
5 | Dr. Priyadarshani G. Pawar | Reader |
6 | Dr. Girija A. Dodamani | Reader |
7 | Dr.Dharaskar Shrinivas P. | Reader |
8 | Dr. Amruta Bhalerao | Sr. Lecturer |
9 | Dr. Ojaswini Borse | Sr. Lecturer |
10 | Dr. Rathod Ashish S. | Sr. Lecturer |
11 | Dr. Jain Saurabh R. | Sr. Lecturer |
12 | Dr. Baisane Priyardarshani M. | Sr. Lecturer |
13 | Dr. Mehta Sneha S. | Sr. Lecturer |
14 | Dr. Mohammad Asim | Sr. Lecturer |
15 | Dr. Rathi Nikhil S. | Sr. Lecturer |
16 | Dr.Chhajed Shalakha A. | Sr. Lecturer |
17 | Dr. Patel Akshay M. | Sr. Lecturer |
18 | Dr. Shrishrimal Mahavir D. | Sr. Lecturer |
19 | Dr. Talreja Champa R. | Sr. Lecturer |
20 | Dr. Saroj D. Sonar | Lecturer BDS |
21 | Dr. Pooja Ashokrao Suryawanshi | Tutor |
22 | Dr. Mamta Yashwantrao Patil | Tutor |